SEMESTA: Journal of Science Education and Teaching SEMESTA: Journal of Science Education and Teaching en-US (Fatma Wati) (SEMESTA Team, Science Education Journal) Fri, 13 Dec 2024 04:32:45 +0000 OJS 60 IMPROVING STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES THROUGH PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODEL ON LIGHT AND OPTICAL DEVICES TOPIC <p>This study aims to determine the improvement of science learning outcomes of students of SMP Negeri 25 Padang through the application of the Problem Based Learnig (PBL) learning model. The subjects in this study are 33 students. This research is a Class Action Research that refers to the Kemmis and Taggart models. This research was carried out in 3 cycles consisting of planning stages, implementation of actions, observation, and reflection. Research data in the form of cognitive learning outcomes were taken using multiple-choice test and description techniques. The learning outcomes in cycle I were 36.3%, in cycle II it was 72.7%, and in cycle III it was 90.9%. The results of the study show that the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model can improve student learning outcomes.</p> Mila Syukria, Rani Oktavia Copyright (c) 2024 Mila Syukria, Rani Oktavia Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES ON INDONESIAN ECOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY TOPIC <p>This research was motivated by the low learning outcomes of students in science subjects at SMPN 4 Pariaman. For this reason, in the teaching process it is necessary to use appropriate learning models. One learning model that can be used is the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model. The aim of the research is to determine the effect of implementing the PjBL learning model on the learning outcomes of class VII students at SMPN 4 Pariaman in the subjects of Ecology and Indonesian Biodiversity. This research uses a quasi-experimental type of research with a non-equivalent control group design. The research population was class VII students of SMPN 4 Pariaman TP.2023/2024, with a purposive sampling technique. Class VII.1 was chosen as the experimental class and class VII.2 as the control class. The experimental class uses the PjBL model, while the control class uses the conventional model. The instruments used were observation sheets on the implementation of the PjBL model and objective test questions adapted to the KKTP on Indonesian Ecology and Biodiversity material. The data obtained was analyzed and prerequisite tests and hypothesis tests were carried out. The results of the posttest value hypothesis test using the t test show t<sub>count</sub> of 8.13 and t<sub>table </sub>2.00. The data shows t<sub>count</sub> &gt; t<sub>table</sub> so that H<sub>1</sub> is accepted, meaning that there is a significant difference between the average posttest scores of experimental class and control class students after being given different treatment. It can be concluded that providing treatment by applying the PjBL model has an influence on student learning outcomes in Indonesian Ecology and Biodiversity Material for class VII SMPN 4 Pariaman.</p> Faizah Alandita, Tuti Lestari, Arief Muttaqiin, Khairil Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Faizah Alandita, Tuti Lestari, Arief Muttaqiin, Khairil Arif Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF ETHNO-STEM E-MODULE ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES <p>Knowing the effect of using Etno-STEM integrated science e-module learning media with Movement and Style material on students' cognitive learning outcomes is the aim of this research. The research is a quantitative type of experimental research with a Quasi Experimental method carried out with Nonequivalent Control Group Design as the research design. Taking research sample classes involves nonprobability sampling techniques with purposive sampling techniques. The variable that has an influence is in the form of an Etno-STEM integrated science e-module on Movement and Style material with student learning outcomes as the influenced variable. Data analysis uses the t test which must previously meet the prerequisite tests in the form of validity and homogeneity which is then determined from the n-gain test. The experimental class average was 71.20 and the n-gain was 0.43, while the control class average was 62.53 and the n-gain was 0.33. The results of the hypothesis test obtained a value of t<sub>count</sub> &gt; t<sub>table</sub>, namely with a value of 3.37 &gt; 2.00, resulting in H<sub>0</sub> being rejected and H<sub>1</sub> being accepted. So the conclusion from this data is that there is an influence of the use of Etno-STEM integrated science e-modules on student learning outcomes.</p> Putri Ramadani, Skunda Diliarosta, Arief Muttaqiin, Rahmah Evita Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Ramadani, Skunda Diliarosta, Arief Muttaqiin, Rahmah Evita Putri Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF GUIDED INQUIRY LEARNING MODEL ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES ON ADDITIVE AND ADDICTIVE TOPIC <p>The research is to find out how guided inquiry affects student learning outcomes. The type of research used is quasi-experimental. Research design non equivalent control group design The population of this study consisted of class VIII students at SMPN 26 Padang TP 2023/2024. In the research sample, class VIII.8 was the experimental group and class VIII.4 was the control group. The guided inquiry education model has been implemented with a high level of success, with an average success rate of 95%. Students are enthusiastic about the guided inquiry learning model, 53% strongly agree and 47% agree in the SMPN 26 Padang questionnaire which shows how the guided inquiry learning influences student learning outcomes</p> Ghina Reysa Andriziaswari, Tuti Lestari, Aulia Azhar, Febri Yanto Copyright (c) 2024 Ghina Reysa Andriziaswari, Tuti Lestari, Aulia Azhar, Febri Yanto Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF CHILDREN LEARNING IN SCIENCE MODEL ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES <p>This research was motivated by the low student learning outcomes during the science learning process caused by the application of learning models that are not varied, causing students to be less enthusiastic and tending to be passive in learning. This study aimed the effect of Children Learning In Science (CLIS) learning model on science learning outcomes of seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 13 Padang. The type of research used is quasi experiment with posttest only control group design. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. Based on the results of the student response questionnaire to the CLIS model, a percentage of 87% was obtained in the very good category. Based on the average of the experimental class of 73.5 and the control class of 66. Then, continued with the hypothesis test using the t-test, the tcount&gt; ttable value is 3.85 &gt; 2,00 with a sample of 32 students and α=0.05. The results of the hypothesis are H<sub>0</sub> rejected and H<sub>a</sub> accepted, meaning that there is a significant effect of the application of the Children Learning In Science (CLIS) learning model on the learning outcomes in class VII SMPN 13 Padang.</p> Sri Putri Angreni, Yurnetti, Firda Az Zahra, Febri Yanto Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Putri Angreni, Yurnetti Yurnetti, Firda Azzahra, Febri Yanto Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF VIDEO-ASSISTED PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODEL ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES ON INDONESIAN ECOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY TOPIC <p>This research .was based on the results of a preliminary study conducted at SMPN 16 Padang, which showed that students' cognitive learning outcomes were still not optimal in science learning. This research aims to determine the influence of the video-assisted Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on learning outcomes for Indonesian Ecology and Biodiversity Material. This type of research is a quasi experiment with a non equivalent control group design research design. The population in this study were all the 7<sup>th</sup> grader at SMPN 16 Padang. Sampling used purposive sampling technique. So we obtained one experimental class by applying the video-assisted Problem Based Learning model, namely class VII.6 and one control class with the conventional learning model, namely class VII.7. Data collection was carried out through pre-test and post-test. The data obtained were analyzed using inferential statistical analysis and the results obtained from the similarity test of the two pre-test and post-test averages were respectively 0.067 for the pre-test sig, and 0.000 for the post-test sig, which means that H<sub>0</sub> is rejected or there is a significant difference in both classes because sig &lt; 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of the application of the video-assisted PBL model on the learning outcomes of Indonesian ecology and biodiversity material.</p> Dara Puspa Indah, Rani Oktavia, Khairil Arif, Azza Nuzullah Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Dara Puspa Indah, Rani Oktavia, Khairil Arif, Azza Nuzullah Putri Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development of Inquiry Based E-Module on Water Cycle Topic for Class V Elementary School Students <p>The research aims to develop e-modules based on inquiry learning on water cycle material that is valid, practical and effective. This type of research is research and development (R&amp;D) using the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. The subjects in this research were 3 expert validators, 2 expert validators, lecturers, 1 class teacher and class V students at SD Negeri 152 OKU. The data collection instruments used were validation questionnaires to validators, student response questionnaires, and test questions. Based on the results of the assessment research from 3 validators, namely 2 validator experts and 1 teacher, it shows that the quality of the e-module product is very valid with a score percentage of 88.8%. The level of practicality after being tested on students meets the very practical criteria with a score percentage of 91%. The results of the ability test questions are in the very good category with an average score of 87.5%. So the results of developing e-modules based on inquiry learning on criteria are very effective for use in science learning, especially in water cycle material for class V elementary schools.<br />Keywords: E-module, Inquiry Based Learning, Water Cycle</p> Aprilia Tri Andini, Rohana, Treny Hera Copyright (c) 2024 Aprilia Tri Andini, Rohana, Treny Hera Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS LEVEL ON SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS <p>Science process skills are students’ ability to understand learning not only limited to concepts but also the ability to solve the problems by collecting fact through scientific discoveries.This research aims to analyze the mastery of science process skills of VII students at SMPN 7 Padang on life organization material. This research is quantitative descriptive research. The population of the research are the classes in seventh grade in SMPN 7 Padang. In this study the researcher limited the sample to two classes from a total eight classes with a total of 57 students. Data collection was carried out using two instruments, namely a performance assessment sheet and a written test in the form of multiple choice questions. The research result shows that the mastery of science process skills is in the sufficient category with an average score based on the indicators studied was 55,9%.</p> Sepni Linda Dewi, Tuti Lestari Copyright (c) 2024 Sepni Linda Dewi, Tuti Lestari Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PROFILE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ON SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS <p>The Curriculum in Indonesia has two elements in science learning, namely understanding science which is related to high-level thinking skills and process skills as an effort to hone thinking skills in investigation or research. In science learning, process skills that can be assessed are known as science process skills. Student need to have Science Process Skills (SPS) as preparation for facing the realities of life, so that student s are trained to think logically to solve problems. The research aims to measure students mastery of science process skills in general and differences in mastery of science process skills based on gender in mixed compound element material in class VIII SMP IT Dar El Iman Padang. This research is quantitative research with a descriptive survey. The sample selection used a total sampling technique, namely 4 classes. Data collection techniques were carried out by assessing student worksheets and written tests. The research results show that students’ mastery of science process skills has varying averages. The lowest mastery of SPS indicators is the hypothesis indicator with a percentage of 36,9% in the poor category and the highest indicator is the prediction indicator at 85.7% in the very good category. Based on gender, female students SPS mastery is better with a percentage 69.7 % in good category than male students with a percentage 58.0% in sufficient category. Overall, students mastery of science process skills is categorized as good at 63,3%.</p> Zhafirah Dosena Risher, Tuti Lestari Copyright (c) 2024 Zhafirah Dosena Risher, Tuti Lestari Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF STEM-PjBL LEARNING MODEL ON CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS ON EFFORTS AND ENERGY TOPIC <p>This study aims to determine the effect of the STEM-PjBL learning model on the critical thinking skills in grade VIII students an topic efforts and energy. This type of research is Quasi Experimental with a Nonequivalent Control Group Design. This research was carried out in VIII grade at SMPN 14 Padang, West Sumatra. The sample taken by purposive sampling techniques so that 32 students of class VIII. 2 as the experimental class and 32 students of class VIII.1 as the control class. The instrument used is a test in the form of essay questions. The results showed that the hypothesis was accepted because the calculation showed sig &lt; 0.05. It can be concluded that overall the use of the STEM-PjBL learning model affects the critical thinking skills students.</p> Amalia Intan Sari, Arief Muttaqiin, Yurnetti, Firda Az Zahra Copyright (c) 2024 Amalia Intan Sari, Arief Muttaqiin, Yurnetti Yurnetti, Firda Az Zahra Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000